Greater Vancouver Bigfoot ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver Bigfoot
organizations and related interests located within (or of interest too) the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. |
Bigfoot Field Researchers
Organization |
Bigfoot Field Researchers
Organization -
Pacific Northwest,
The mission of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) is
multifaceted, but the organization essentially seeks to resolve the mystery
surrounding the Bigfoot phenomenon, that is, to derive conclusive documentation
of the species' existence. |
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Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch
Days |
Hot Springs Sasquatch Days -
Harrison Hot Springs,
This intercultural celebration includes canoe races, traditional salmon
barbeque, medicine walks, cultural boat tours, arts & craft activities, games,
entertainment and most importantly talks on the Sasquatch from Sts’ailes experts
and local Harrison Hot Springs Sasquatch investigators. |
Featured Youtube Content .....
John Bindernagel Youtube Channel |
John Bindernagel Youtube Channel -
John Bindernagel is a BC based Bigfoot/Sasquatch researcher who has a
long history in the field of Sasquatch research & investigations. |
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Monster of the Woods BC Sasquatch YouTube
Playlist |
Monster of the Woods BC Sasquatch YouTube Playlist -
Monster of the Woods is a series of over 80 video's produced in BC that investigates Sasquatch sightings in the Fraser
Valley and southern interior of British Columbia. |
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ThinkerThunker Youtube Channel |
ThinkerThunker Youtube Channel -
Forensic analysis of alleged Bigfoot video clips via specialized computer
software programs. |
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