Greater Vancouver Swimming ... |
This page is an online directory of Greater Vancouver Swimming services and related interests located within the Greater Vancouver
- Lower Mainland region of British Columbia, Canada. |
Fastlane Swim Program |
Fastlane Swim Program -
Fastlane is an adult swim training program in Vancouver, for swimmers,
Triathletes, and fitness enthusiasts of all abilities. Our goal is to assist
each participant to improve his or her skill level and physical fitness, in a
friendly, safe, and motivating environment. |
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Masters Swimming Association of
BC |
Masters Swimming Association of BC -
Masters swimming prime credo is fitness. Masters swimming means wanting to be
fit, having the pleasure of being with other swimmers sharing these interests
while doing it, and for some, releasing those competitive juices from time to
time. Masters Swimming encourages competition for swimmers of all abilities. |
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Surrey Swimming Pools |
Surrey Swimming Pools -
The City of Surrey operates several major indoor pools within different
geographic areas of the City. We offer a variety of aquatic environments. |
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Vancouver Open Water Swim
Association |
Vancouver Open Water Swim
Association -
VOWSA is a group of people who swim in open water, mainly the ocean but also in
lakes. Do you like swimming, especially outside... then VOWSA is for you!. We
offer evening swims at Kits Beach, with a lifeguard escort and lots of other
swimmers for company. |
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Vancouver Swimming Pools |
Vancouver Swimming Pools -
Vancouver's indoor pools are open year-round from early morning to late evening
making it easy to fit busy schedules into programs for length swimming, aquafit
classes or learn-to-swim lessons and more. Park Board pools are located
throughout the City, are readily affordable and accessible to all. |
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